
Positive Paws
What is a Positive Paw?
It's a great way to show a colleague how much you appreciate their contribution!
A Positive Paw is a simple sticky note Just write your feelings on the Positive PAW and give it to the person who did something that made a difference in your day or in the day of those around them.
- Did you see someone go above and beyond to give extra care or exhibit courteous and kind behavior?
- How about that person who always goes the extra mile to ensure others feel respected and offers extraordinary assistance and a smile to someone in need?
- Is there someone who works tirelessly with little recognition?
- Did you see a random act of kindness?
What sort of act deserves a Positive Paw?
Anything that makes you smile!
Catch someone in the act of being fabulous, go back to your desk and write a thank you, then give that Positive PAW to the person who made your day!
You are encouraged to submit your Positive Paw story to be shared on USAC's Facebook page.
Please send an email to
Download Positive Paws for Print (PDF)
Download Positive Paws (PPTX)
Note: If you would like to obtain the actual sticky pads, please email