Long Term Care
Effective 01/01/2012: John Hancock no longer offers a group long-term care plan. Current enrollees will be able to retain current coverage. If removed in the future there will be no ability to re-join the plan.
Effective 01/01/2018: There are no longer payroll deductions for John Hancock long-term care for those employees who were grandfathered under the prior group plan. Below are the payment options so that you can continue to keep your coverage in effect. Please keep in mind that if no action is taken, the default option is to be placed on direct bill.
- Direct Bill (default option) – Receive a bill directly from John Hancock. You can choose to pay your premiums on a semi-annual or annual basis.
- Monthly Automatic Bank Withdrawal (ABW) – review details below on how to get started!
For any questions related to this change, please visit the John Hancock website, send an email to GLTCBilling@jhancock.com, or call (888) 321-4582; TTY for the hearing impaired (800) 255-1808. John Hancock Customer Service Consultants are available Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
Current John Hancock members and all other faculty and staff who may be interested in learning more about the long-term care plans available through the “individual” market may contact the following long-term care brokers:
Nittany Brokerage
Kenneth Dean Johnson
2125 East College Avenue, Suite 101
State College, PA 16801
Phone: 814-237-7080
Questions/Information: www.nittanybrokerage.net
Email: deanjohnson@nittanybrokerageinvest.net
Legacy Services, Inc.
285 Cardinal Lane
Hartland, WI 53029
Phone: 800-230-3398, Ext. 101
Email: custsvc@4groupltci.com
Joel Waldman, DMD, CLTC
Phone: 814-450-8677
Email: jwaldmandmd@pdais.com
Additional Information
Overview of Coverage (Current Enrollees Only)