Mental & Emotional Well-being
As Penn State strives to support a workforce that is engaged in health and well-being, we realize that we need to support the mental and emotional health of our employees. There are many factors that contribute to overall mental and emotional health – which in turn affects physical health and well-being. These factors include complex interactions between internal thoughts, feelings and attitudes, external environments, and pressures and workplace culture.
Penn State seeks to holistically support your mental and emotional health from where you are today and throughout your entire career! Penn State wants all employees to realize their own abilities to be able to cope with normal stress, work productively toward their personal and professional goals, and to be thriving members of the communities in which we live and work. By recognizing our mental and emotional health strengths and concerns, we can all help make a contribution to the greater Penn State community.
SupportLinc is Penn State's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider. SupportLinc's resources are available to Penn State employees, their spouse and dependents, as well as members of their household. Contact SupportLinc at supportlinc.com (first-time visitors will need to set up an account), group code: pennstate, or call 1.888.501.3532.
SupportLinc provides a variety of resources to help employees and their family with life's challenges.