
An effective onboarding program serves to welcome a new employee to Penn State and reaffirm their decision to accept their new position, guide them through their onboarding tasks, introduce them to our workplace culture, and help them learn their role as quickly as possible.

Every new employee begins their onboarding journey when they receive their Welcome Email. This email provides links to their onboarding dashboard in Workday and the manager is copied so they are aware that onboarding activity has begun. The manager onboarding toolkit provides:

New Employee Dashboard

The employee’s Workday dashboard provides all the information they need to complete their onboarding tasks. During their first weeks of employment, they’ll visit this dashboard frequently. It contains information on I-9 completion and link to the appointment scheduler, access to all electronic onboarding tasks, links to required and suggested training and, for benefits-eligible employees, benefits enrollment details.

New Employee Webpages

While not a required onboarding activity, the New Employee Web Experience is a compilation of resources to help a new employee develop a solid foundational knowledge about Penn State.

Onboarding Tools for Managers

Managers play an essential role in helping a new employee feel welcome, prepared, engaged, and valued. The manager onboarding checklist provides information and resources to help a manager support their new employee in their first days, weeks, and months at Penn State.