USAC Membership Model FAQs
Below are FAQs regarding USAC Membership Model. If you have additional questions, please contact our HR services team by emailing
How was the new model determined?
The new model aims to expand USAC’s membership from 30 staff to a more representative figure. To determine the new model, we researched the structures of other Big 10 staff advisory councils, engaged in extensive discussions as a council, surveyed our peers in local staff advisory councils, and confirmed our decisions with administrators. Ultimately, we decided on a model that includes representation from every campus and academic college and identified academic and administrative support units.
How were designated academic and administrative units determined?
Academic and administrative support units were selected based on their designation at the top level of the University’s organization chart. Additional academic support subunits within the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost were included to be consistent with the Campuses and Academic Colleges, which are also housed in that unit and included in the new model.
Additionally, any subunit with more than 1,000 staff members will be allowed to elect a representative to serve on the council.
While we recognize that this new iteration of the Council does not include individual representation from every unique unit, we see it as a first step in increasing representation, and we hope to expand in years to come.
How long do members serve on USAC?
At-large and elected members serve a 3-year term beginning on July 1 of the year they were elected or selected.
What is the difference between elected, at-large, and ex-officio members?
The only difference is how they attain membership.
Elected members are chosen by their respective college, campus, unit, or local Staff Advisory Council. Elected members have voting privileges and are eligible to hold Officer and Committee Chair positions.
At-large members apply and are selected by the Membership and Elections Committee within the University Staff Advisory Council. At-large members have voting privileges and are eligible to hold Officer and Committee Chair positions.
Ex-Officio members are appointed in collaboration with other University organizations. Ex-Officio members do not have voting privileges and are not eligible to hold elected office or committee Chair positions.
What if my unit, campus, or college is unable to identify someone to serve as an elected member?
Your unit, campus, or college is not obligated to elect a member. The membership seat will remain available in the following term should you choose to elect someone at that time.
What process should my unit use to elect a USAC representative?
USAC does not dictate the election process for individual colleges, campuses, units, or local SAC. Each existing SAC should follow existing procedures outlined in their bylaws. If your area does not have a SAC or bylaws, you are welcome to reach out to USAC for recommendations.
What if my SAC has a different term limit than USAC?
USAC terms are 3 years. If your elected member rolls off of your SAC before serving their full 3-year term on USAC, you will have the opportunity to elect a replacement member for the next term year.
How often will the membership model be reviewed and modified?
The membership model will be reviewed every 2 years beginning with the 2027-2028 academic year.
How will elected and at-large members be vetted?
All USAC members, regardless of type, will be vetted by Human Resources to ensure they are in good standing prior the Membership and Elections Committee extending a membership offer.
Can staff from Human Resources serve as members on USAC?
Yes, staff from Human Resources (with the exception of Human Resources Strategic Partners) are eligible to serve on the University Staff Advisory Council.
What are the expectations for elected and at-large members?
At-Large and elected USAC members are expected to attend monthly Council meetings, actively participate in at least one standing committee within USAC, and share out information with their respective units.
What if my campus, college, or unit has more than one SAC?
If more than one SAC exists within an elective unit, collectively those SACs shall elect one member from that elective unit to serve on USAC.
If an elective unit does not have a local SAC, they may elect a USAC member from the full-time staff of that elective unit in the way that best serves that elective unit. USAC shall guide elective units to help establish a local SAC and/or conduct elections as requested.
If an elected member is unable to fulfil their term, can another member be selected/elected, or would they need to wait until the next election cycle to fill their seat?
Vacancies caused by resignation may be filled before the first General Council meeting of the new membership year, after which point, the seat would not be filled until the following membership year.